Fixed a bug that prevented the follow-up attack from occurring when the Black Sword Incantation was activated with a Sacred Seal in the left hand.Fixed incorrect physical attack values of some attacks of the Serpent-Hunter weapon.Fixed a bug where Spell, Incantation, and item input actions were ignored while guarding against attacks.Fixed a bug where stamina would replenish when switching to a crouching position while running.Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented consumable items from being replenished when teleporting to a grace from the map.Reduced the poise damage of the Gravity Bolt Weapon Art.Reduced the time it takes to activate the guard part of the Shield Bash Weapon Art.Reduced poise damage of the Flame of the Redmanes Weapon Art.Reduced hitbox duration of the flame portion of the Flaming Strike Weapon Art.Reduced the poise damage of the Cragblade Weapon Art.Reduced poise damage of Hammers, Great Hammers, and some Colossal Weapons.Reduced the stagger caused by double-handed Heavy Thrusting Swords jumping attacks.Reduced the speed Thrusting Swords and Heavy Thrusting Swords crouching attacks.Increased poise damage of the weapon slash part of the Transient Moonlight Weapon Art, and reduced the poise damage of the magic wave.Increased poise value during the active part of the Stamp (Upward Cut / Sweep) Weapon Art.

Increased poise when attacking with two-handed Hammers.Increased the stagger damage of Axes’ guard counters.Slightly increased the speed of crouching and rolling attacks of Colossal Swords.Twinblade (two-handed) / Reaper / Fist / Claw.Increased the speed of some attacks and reduced the recovery time for the following weapons:.